wizjany [WZJ] began trolling TooMuchPete [TMP]
TMP: Quick question: does worldedit support the built-in permissions system yet, or is it still just the permissions plugin?
WZJ: dev builds do
TMP: I'm looking into switching to bukkit, and I'm not sure I want to get investd in the permissions plugin since it appears to be going away
TMP: maybe best to wait a bit, then?
WZJ: for what?
TMP: For plugins to stop using the permissions plugin and use the built-in system?
WZJ: oh
WZJ: doubt that will happen anytime soon
WZJ: lots of people still using them for things like prefixes and groups and so on
WZJ: lots of them have support for both though
TMP: The built in system has groups, though.
WZJ: no it doesn't
TMP: Heh. Okay, then I managed to get a config somewhere with groups in it.
WZJ: the PermissionsBukkit plugin somewhat does
WZJ: but the inbuilt system itself doesn't
TMP: ...
TMP: Those are two different things?
TMP: Jesus.
WZJ: -_-
WZJ: yes, plugins are not part of bukkit
WZJ: you have to download them separately
TMP: I was under the impression that permissionsbukkit was the official manager for the built-in system
WZJ: yes
WZJ: they're still different...
TMP: So if the manager supports groups
TMP: how do the groups not exist?
WZJ: that doesn't mean that the inbuilt system does
WZJ: ..
WZJ: i don't see what's so hard to understand
TMP: How do you manage something that doesn't exist
WZJ: ...
TMP: Is that a crazy question?
TMP: So what you're saying is that PermissionsBukkit actually adds features to the built-in system rather than just managing that system, is that right?
WZJ: no
WZJ: groups are 100% separate from the inbuilt system
TMP: Does PermissionsBukkit have groups?
WZJ: permissionsbukkit requires plugins to hook in to its own api for that
TMP: I could be looking at the wrong config
TMP: So the groups in permissions bukkit actually don't work unless the plugin supports that directly
WZJ: yes
TMP: That explains a lot, actually.
TMP: Thanks.
TMP: Also, this is confusing as shit to a new person. Hahaha
TMP: So what you'd recommend is ditch permissionsbukkit
TMP: and just use the permissions plugin
WZJ: when the fuck did i say that
TMP: I'm asking
WZJ: no you aren't
TMP: Sorry
TMP: ?
WZJ: you're implying i said that
WZJ: >So what you'd recommend is ditch permissionsbukkit
WZJ: not
TMP: Dude, chill out.
WZJ: >would you recommend ditching permissionsbukkit
TMP: I was not done typing.
TMP: Here's what I was trying to write: "So what you'd recommend is ditch permissionsbukkit, and just use the permissions plugin, is that right?"
TMP: I'm just trying to get help here
WZJ: uh
TMP: if you don't want to help, that's fine
WZJ: that's the exact same thing already
WZJ: you didn't even change the meaning
TMP: It's a question.
WZJ: i didn't and don't recommend anything
WZJ: it's not a question
TMP: ...
WZJ: you're implying that i said something and asking for confirmation
TMP: you'd = you would
WZJ: i am well aware
WZJ: english happens to be one of my first languages
TMP: would is a conditional
WZJ: no it isn't
TMP: Are you kidding me?
WZJ: you would recommend , *IF* condition
WZJ: you just said that I DID recommend that
TMP: would recommend is conditional verb tense.
TMP: Like, that's the definition of it.
TMP: No, I'm asking if that's what you WOULD recommend.
WZJ: stop pming me
TMP: *sigh* Whatever. I'm just trying to figure out how to get this shit working, I'm not trying to be an ass.
WZJ: ...
WZJ: see there you go again
WZJ: i never implied you were trying to be an ass
WZJ: if anyone's being an ass, it's me
TMP: ...
TMP: I didn't say you did.
WZJ: also i've already addressed your original "question"
TMP: I'm simply stating my intention.